About Me


Hello! My name is Kim Rios, I’m a UX designer based in New England with experience in conceptualizing and crafting digital products. I’m passionate about creating products with meaningful interactions that are useful, usable and valuable to users.

I’m also experienced in UX research and UI design. My UX research experience includes usability testing, preference and first impression studies, creating scripts, managing schedules, and analyzing and synthesizing research data. My UI design experience includes crafting designs and experiences from concept to sketches, wireframes, prototypes, all the way to pixel-perfect.

In my free time I enjoy taking belly dance classes, the hula hoop, and going to parks to relax. I recently bought an inflatable kayak (I didn’t know they existed!) so I’ve been having fun floating & exploring! :D


Usability testing, user-centered design, prototyping, UI design, user research, user flows, wireframing, personas, journey mapping, task flows, feature prioritization.


Sketch app, Invision app, UserTesting.com platform, Marvel app, Adobe creative suite.



CMG Need for Speed hackathon Boston – 2018

Winning team picture - Holding one of the drones we won!

Winning team picture - Holding one of the drones we won!

This was a hackathon sponsored by Computer Measurement Group, Inc. (CMG). A worldwide non-profit organization of data processing professionals. This was a 2 day event. My team, 2 developers and 2 UX designers, competed in 2 different challenges which we won: Population health and patient engagement challenge and the UX challenge.

My Role: UX designer. I worked on ideation, user interview, feature prioritization, flowcharts, wireframing, persona creation, user journey, and Invision prototype.

AngelHack Global Hackathon series: Boston - 2017

Winning team picture - Happy to have won the Amadeus challenge!

Winning team picture - Happy to have won the Amadeus challenge!

This global series Hackathon holds place in over 50 cities around the world. This was a 2 day event. My team, 3 developers, 1 designer and 1 UX/UI designer, competed and won the Amadeus Challenge.

My role: UX & UI designer. I worked on feature prioritization, flowchart, wireframing, and Invision prototype.




Johnson & Wales University
Bachelor of Science in Graphic Design
Concentration in psychology.


Rhode Island School of Design CE
2016 - 2018

Interactive Design
Focus on UX Design